Mines and grenades require now more immersive components to be crafted as well, new types were added like Nuke Mine and Nuka Grenade.

Every ammo type craft was developed to be as immersive as possible and any suggestion is welcome. Crafting ammo is really fun, for example, to craft a box of shotgun shells you will need to craft pellets + shotgun hulls + gunpowder + primer, to craft fusion cells you will need aluminum, circuitry, adhesive, plastic and electrochemical cells. To craft ammo you will need some specific perks and components, building the workbench requires Local Leader rank 2 like any other benchs. 50 receivers were rebalanced as well to improve the fun without remove too much balance. 44 revolver, minigun, gatling laser, alien blaster and.

Gatling Laser was modified to use a new kind of ammo instead Fusion Cores. Everything is balanced thru perks and materials. This mod will add the construction of a new workbench called “Ammunitions Workbench” allowing the craft of all kinds of ammunitions including special ones.